How to Create Calculator via Form

This tutorial covers the creation of two forms that use calculations to instantly change the numbers according to the selected options in the JetFormBuilder form.


Creating a Form with the Calculation of Ingredients for a Recipe

Create a CCT and the Repeater custom field

Let us clarify first which setup is needed. We have the “Recipes” post type, in which we created the Repeater meta field. The Repeater meta field has two text fields: one for the ingredient name and the other for its size.

To learn how to create a Custom Post Type, proceed to this tutorial.

To discover more about the Repeater custom meta field, proceed to this article.

repeater custom field with two text fields

Fill in the Repeater field in posts

Next, we filled in this Repeater field in posts of the “Recipes” post type with the ingredient names and sizes.

fill in Repeater fields

Configure a form

Go to the JetFormBuilder tab and click the “Add New” button or press to edit the existing form.

In the form, we added the Select Field to create the selection of portions.

select field in the form

To add options, select the “Manual Input” option in the Fill options from field and click the “Manage Items” button. We added five portions as options. You may add as many options as needed.

manual input in the select field

Next, we added the Repeater Field to the form. Make sure to insert the exact name of the Repeater Field in the form as named the Repeater meta field in the post type. When the names are the same, the preset will successfully pull the current post’s Repeater data.

repeater field in the form

The Default Value of the Repeater Field should be pulled from the current post so the options are displayed in the form dynamically on each post.

default value for the repeater field

Next, we added the fields into the Repeater Field. We added one Text Field for the size and another for the ingredient title. Make sure to name these fields precisely as they are named in the post-type Repeater meta field. These fields are needed only to pull the values used in the Calculated Field. Eventually, these two fields can be hidden since all data will be inserted into the Calculated Field.

fields for the repeater field

To hide these Text Fields, we added custom classes to both of them. The “size-hidden-field” class is added to the “size” Text Field of the Repeater Field, and the “ingredient-title-hidden” custom class is added to the second Text Field.

custom class to hide the text field

Let us proceed with the Calculated Field in the Repeater Field. We switched the Value Type to “as String” so the text values from the Repeater meta field can be processed, as well as the calculations with the “size” Text Field and “portion” Select Field.

The formula is: 

%ingredient-title%-' + ' ' +'%portions%'*'%size%'

The macros are wrapped in single quotation marks per the requirements of the Calculated Field and string values in it. And ‘%portions%’*’%size%’ multiplies the number chosen in the Select Field by the size of the ingredient saved in the post-type Repeater meta field.

as string value type

This is all with the form setup. To save the changes, hit the “Publish/Update” button.

The last detail is to remove unneeded buttons from the form’s Repeater Field since the user should not add any data but only see it, and the repeater’s Text Fields since their values are displayed in the Calculated Field. To remove them, some CSS code needs to be used.

Add the CSS code


Before proceeding with the tutorial′s steps, create a backup or replicate the actions on the staging site. The backup ensures the website restoration if an error occurs. To learn more, proceed to the How to Backup and Restore a WordPress Website with a Plugin article.

In the Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS tab, there is an area in which CSS snippets can be added.

Therefore, we added the following code. If you added other custom classes to the Text Fields in the form that aren’t mentioned in this tutorial, ensure to write those classes into the CSS code accordingly.

.size-hidden-field, .ingredient-title-hidden, .jet-form-builder-repeater__remove, .jet-form-builder-repeater__new{

.recipe-repeater .wp-block-columns {
	margin-bottom: 5px;

After adding the CSS, we hit the “Publish” button to save the changes.

Add the PHP snippet to enable preset for guest users

By default, the preset values in the form fields are visible only for the logged-in users, which means the ingredients in the form on the front end will not be displayed for the guest users. If you want to show the form with the ingredients on the front end for all users, the following snippet needs to be added to the Code Snippets plugin or the functions.php file of your current theme. Ensure to use the child theme to keep the custom code after the theme update.

    function ( $sanitize, \Jet_Form_Builder\Presets\Sources\Base_Source $source ) {
        if ( is_a( $source, \Jet_Form_Builder\Presets\Sources\Preset_Source_Post::class ) ) {
            return true;

        return $sanitize;
    }, 10, 2

After saving the snippet, the form will have the preset values available for all users.

Check the results on the front end

To output the form on the front end, we added the JetForm widget to the Single Post template of the Recipe post type, selected the recently created form from the Choose Form drop-down, and clicked the “Update” button to save the changes.

For more details, go to the How to Create a WordPress Single Post Page Template tutorial.

form on the single recipe page

Here is the result on the front end. The default “1” portion is selected, and the ingredients are displayed according to it.

calculated form for recipes on the front end

When we change the portion, the ingredients’ quantity is also changed. The desired result is achieved.

ingredients' quantity is changed

Creating a Form with the Calculation of Cat Age into Human Age and Vice Versa

Tutorial requirements:

The next example of the form is more complex since it has dynamic values, conditional blocks, and ternary operators in the Calculated Fields to create a Cat-Human and Human-Cat age calculator.

At the end of the tutorial, you can download this form and check it on your website. For now, let’s go through the creation process.

Firstly, we added the Select Field, which will determine the direction of how the age is calculated from cat to human age or from human to cat age.

add the Select Field to the form

Therefore, we manually added those options to the Select Field.

options in the Select Field

Set up the first block of columns

Next, we added three columns to the form. Let us see what each column represents.

To the first column, we added the Calculated Field with the “as String” Value type. The Calculated Field has such a ternary operator:

'%direction%' === 'cat-human' ? 'Cat years' : 'Human years'

It conditionally shows the label based on the option selected in the first Select Field named %direction%.

Find out more about the ternary operator in the How to Use Conditional Formulas in the Calculated Field tutorial.

ternary operator in the calculated field

In the second column, we have the Conditional Block, which consists of several fields and depends on the options of the fields in the third column.

The idea is that the field input for the year value needs to appear in the second column if the respective “Year and Month” option is selected in the Select Field in the third column. In this way, we can create one field for entering a year in the second column and another field for entering a month value in the third column.

For a better understanding, here is the result on the front end of this part of the form. If the “Year and Month” option is selected in the third column, the input field will appear in the second column for entering the year value. The Select Field with “Year,” “Month,” and “Year and Month” is also added to the second column.

To create such a scenario, we added the following rule to the Conditional Block by clicking the icon highlighted in the screenshot below.

conditional block

The “Show if” Function is based on the “Format to input the number,” which is the Select Field from the third column in which the user can select which value he wants to enter: the age as a month, as a year, or both year and month. The value for the “Year and Month” option is “both,” so we entered it into the Value to compare field.

conditional logic

The first field in the Conditional Block is the Select Field named “selectodin.” This Select Field lets users pick year, month, or year and month options like in the Select Field in the third column. This second column will be hidden once the user selects “Year” or “Month” since each option requires only one input field, which will be provided in the third column.

first field in the conditional block

These are the options added to the Select Field in the second column.

Select Field options

The next field in the second column is the Number Field for inputting the year value.

number field for the year value

And the Calculated Field in which the “Year” text is inserted to identify that the year value should be entered into the Number Field on the left side.

Calculated Field

These are not all settings for these two fields. The other settings depend on the fields from the third column that have not been created yet.

So, these are the fields in the third column. Let us also check the settings of each of them.

fields in the third column

The first is the Select Field named “selectdva.”

Select Field

The field has the “Year,” “Month,” and “Year and Month” options, which let users select the input format of the age, whether it is in years, months, or years and months.

Select field options

This Select Field also applies the following dynamic value based on the Select Field from the second column. To set it, click the “+ Add Dynamic Value” button.

In the Edit Dynamic Value pop-up, we set such settings.

In the Value to set field, we entered the Select Field name from the second column wrapped in single quotation marks and percentage signs (‘%selectodin%’). This is to get the value from the field dynamically.

The Apply type is set to “Always.”

In the Field drop-down, we picked the label of the same Select Field from the second column, which was entered in the Value to set field.

The Operator is “Not Equal,” and the Value to compare is “both.”

This dynamic value means that the “selectdva” Select Field in the third column will automatically get a value selected in the “selectodin” field in the second column. 

edit dynamic value

Let us see the result of this dynamic value on the front end to understand better the settings explained previously.

When we pick the “Year and Month” option in the right select field, the same select field automatically appears on the left side, and the input number field for the year value is displayed.

the result of the dynamic value

We selected the “Year” option in the left select field.

the year option

And the selected value is automatically transferred to the selected field on the right, and the second column with its fields is hidden.

the selected value is transferred

Let us proceed with further settings in the form. The next field added to the third column is the Number Field to accept a year or month value. We also added a “1” Min value to the field to accept only positive numbers starting from one.

minimum value is 1 to accept only positive numbers

The field on the right from the Number Field is the Calculated Field, which shows the unit that is entered into the Number Field. This Calculated Field is based on the Select Field in which “Year,” “Month,” or “Year and Month” can be selected to display a relevant option. 

Its formula is:

'%selectdva%' === 'year' ? 'Year' : 'Months' 

It means showing the “Year” text if the “Year” option is selected in the “selectdva” Select Field; otherwise, it displays the “Months” text.

The value type is set to “as String.”

Calculated Field formula to display a relevant option

The last field of this third column is the “converted-years” Calculated Field. It has the following formula:

 '%selectdva(rawCalc)%' === 'year' ? %namba-dva% : (%namba-odyn% + %namba-dva%/12) 

It is used solely for calculating the years if the “Year” option is selected in the “selectdva” Select Field from the third column. 


Note the “rawCalc” attribute works only if the JetFormBuilder – additional attributes addon is installed and activated.

As this field is only needed for calculating in year format, this Calculated Field is set to be Hidden. However, its value will be used in other calculations later in the form.

Hidden Calculated Field

As the setup of fields in the third column is completed, we can return to the fields in the second column and apply the needed dynamic values.

We added the dynamic value to the Select Field in the second column by clicking the “+Add dynamic value” button.

add dynamic value button

Here are the settings for the Dynamic Value in detail. This dynamic value inserts the value from the “selectdva” Select Field in the third column into this Select Field in the second column.

So, we entered the Select Field name wrapped in single quotation marks and percentage signs (‘%selectdwa%’) into the Value to set field, and the Apply type is set to “Always.”

In the Field drop-down, we picked the label of the same Select Field, which was entered into the Value to set field. The Operator is “Equal,” and the Value to compare is “both.” 

dynamic value for the Select Field

On the front end, it results in the same value in both select fields.

select fields show the same value

Next, to the Number Field in the second column, we also added the Dynamic Value.

the Number Field with the dynamic value

The Edit Dynamic Value pop-up has these settings.

The Value to set is “0”, and the Apply type is “Always.”

The Field has the Select Field label from the third column. It has the same label as the field in the second column, but you can use a unique label to identify the needed field easier.

The Operator is “Equal,” and the Value to compare is “both,” which is the value of the “Year and Month” option.

The idea is that this Number Field must have “0” as a value if the Select Field in the third column has “Year” or “Month” selected.

zero value of the Number Field

Setting up the second block of columns

Now, we can get to the second set of columns and fields in them. These three columns are used for calculating and displaying the results: the cat or human age.

the second set of columns

In this set of columns, the first one has these fields.

The “label-dva” Calculated Field is used to show the selected direction’s label. The formula is:

'%direction%' !== 'cat-human' ? 'Cat years' : 'Human years'  

It is based on the very first Select Field in the form in which users select how the age needs to be calculated: from cat to human or from human to cat.

Calculated Field for showing the label of the selected direction

The second Calculated Field in this column calculates the resulting age in years.

We used a formula for calculating the cat-to-human and human-to-cat years found on the Internet and only added our meta field names:

'%direction(rawCalc)%' === 'cat-human' ? ( %converted-years% >= 6 ? ( ( %converted-years% - 6 ) * 4 +40 ) :  ( 19 * %converted-years%/3 + 1) ) : ( %converted-years% >= 40 ? ( ( %converted-years% - 40 ) /4 +6 ) : 3* (%converted-years%-1 ) /19 )
formula for calculating the cat-to-human and human-to-cat years

We also switched on the Hidden toggle since this field is only needed for calculating, and its results will be displayed via other fields.

hidden toggle for the Calculated Field

Moving on to the next column, we have the Conditional Block that will show the age in years. The idea is that this block will be displayed if the “Year and Month” option is selected in the field in the third column, so the field in the second column shows the years, and the field in the third column shows the months. By clicking on the randomize icon, you can add the needed condition. But we will add it later since the field on which the condition is based will be created in the next column.

randomize icon to add a condition to the form

This Conditional Block has the following fields inside.

The first one is the “selectodin-result” Select Field with the Dynamic Value, which also will be added later. 

The options of this field can be configured by clicking on the “Manage Items” button.

manage items for the Select Field

These are the options of the Select Field.

options for the Select Field

And the next field in this column is the Calculated Field with this formula:


The “Math.trunc” returns the integer part of a number so that an integer can display the year value. We also set the Value Type to “as Number” and kept the Hidden switcher disabled to make the calculated value visible on the front end.

Let us move on to the fields in the next column.

In the last column of the form, we have the “selectdva-result” Select Field with the Dynamic Value.

Select Field with the Dynamic Value

The Dynamic Value is based on the “selectodin-result” Select Field from the previous column. This is needed to automatically add a value from the “selectodin-result” which was picked into the current ‘selectdva-result’ Select Field.

This is why we added ‘%selectdva-result%’ into the Value To Set field to pull its value dynamically.

The Apply type is “Always.”

As the Field, we also picked the “selectodin-result” Select Field from the previous column. Again, you can write a clearer label of the field to identify it more easily.

The Operator is “Not Equal.”

Into the Value to Compare, we entered the “both” value from the “selectodin-result” field options.

Dynamic Value settings for the Select Field

And the following field is the Calculated Field with the formula:

Math.max( 0, '%selectdva-result(rawCalc)%' === 'year' ? %calc-years-odyn% : ( '%selectdva-result(rawCalc)%' === 'month' ? %result-years%*12 : ( %result-years% - %calc-years-odyn%) * 12 ) )

The “Math.max” will return the largest value between 0 and the number calculated in the formula.

We set the Value type to “as Number,” and kept the Hidden switcher disabled to show the result of this Calculated Field on the front end.

calculated formula

As the fields in this column are completed, we can return to the fields in the previous column to set up the needed conditions and dynamic values.

Click on the Conditional Block randomize icon to add the condition.

Conditional Block randomize icon

The condition is “Show if,” where the Field is the “selectdva-result” from the third column, which has the “Format to output the number” label.

The Operator is “Equal,” and the Value to compare is “both.”

In this way, this column will appear if the “Year and Month” option is selected in the “selectdva-result” Select Field.

show the field if the option is selected in the Select Field

Next, we need to add the Dynamic Value to the “selectodin-result” Select Field.

Dynamic Value for the Select Field

The Dynamic Value is set up the following way.

In the Value to set field, we entered the Select Field name wrapped in single quotation marks and percentage signs (‘%selectdva-result%’). This is to get the value from the field dynamically.

The Apply type is “Always.”

We inserted the same “selectdva-result” field in the Field with the “Format to output the number” label. The Operator is “Equal,” and the Value to Compare is “both” since it is a value of the “Year and Month” option.

the Edit Dynamic Value pop-up settings

Lastly, we can add the label identifiers of which value is displayed in the results.

We added two columns to the Conditional Block in the second column.

columns in the Conditional Block

In these columns, we transferred the Calculated Field by dragging it via the dots icon.

transfer the Calculated Field

And in the second column, we dragged the duplicated Calculated Field with the ‘label-one-input’ label, which displays the label of the field input for a year.

duplicated calculated field

And this is how we created a field for a year in the column that shows the year result.

field for the calculating result

In the same way, we added two columns to the third column, which displays the result. Then, duplicate the Calculated Field and insert it into the third column.

duplicate the field

Do not forget to change the field name (“selectdva-result,” in our case) so the formula will show the labels based on that field.

change the field name

The result of duplicating and dragging the fields is that the results now have the labels for the calculated results.

labels for the calculated results

This concerns the form setup for calculating the age of Cat to Human and Human to Cat.

Let us check the result on the front end

Now we can add the form to the needed page using the JetForm widget or Form block and save the page by hitting the “Update” button. More details can be found in the Adding the Form Block tutorial.

add JetForm widget or Form block to the page

On the front end, we can see the form. 

the form on the front end

Here, you can download the form and check it on your WordPress website.

For that, proceed to the JetFormBuilder > Forms tab and press the “Import Form” button. Then, push the “Choose Files” button, upload the form, hit the “Start Import” button, and you’ll move to the form editing page.

import form

That’s all. In the first half of the tutorial, we described how to create a form for the recipe ingredients calculation, and in the second half – how to set a form for the Cat into Human age calculation and vice verse. It’s possible with the JetFormBuilder WordPress plugin.