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Post-Submit Action Controls Overview

post-submit action options

This is the final field of every form – the Action Button (formerly Submit field). Every form can contain only one the Action Button (formerly Submit field), so if you have already added it, it will be inactive.

Edit Action

editing a created post-submit action

Here you set what will the form do after the user submits it. For every type of action you choose in the drop-down menu, there is a separate list of settings. All of them are described in detail in the Post-Submit Actions section.


configuring conditions for post-submit action

When you click the button with a crisscrossed arrows icon on it, you can set when the form will perform an action you have chosen in the drop-down menu. If you don’t set any conditions, the action will be automatically done right after the form submission. However, you can choose to do some additional actions if some requirements are met. For example, the confirmation email can be sent only in case the user ticks a special checkbox. Check the Conditions overview for more details.

Move or delete

moving or deleting the post-submit actions

With the help of the “Up” and “Down” buttons, you can move the Post-Submit Action tile higher or lower in the list. This doesn’t affect the efficiency of the actions, it is useful for navigation and organization purposes only.Besides that, you can remove the action tile from the list by hitting the “Delete” button. Be aware that it can’t be undone, and there are no safety notifications. The tile will be deleted immediately after you press the deletion button.

New Action

adding a new post-submit action

You can add as many new action tiles as you need by pressing the “New Action” button. All of them will be performed at the same time after the user submits the form. It is also true for the actions that have some conditional rules set. They will be performed after the form’s submission if the requirements are met.