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Plugin Installation

Method 1. From the Plugins dashboard tab

  • Open your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New;
  • In the search bar in the right upper corner of the page, type in “JetFormBuilder”;
  • Click the “Install Now” button on the plugin’s tile;
  • When the installation is over, press the “Activate” button.
installing JetFormBuilder from the plugins dashboard

Method 2. Download to PC and Upload to the website

  • Download the plugin to your PC;
  • Login to your website’s dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New;
  • Click the “Upload Plugin” button in the left upper corner of the window;
  • Choose the plugin’s file from the PC. Be aware that it has to be in .zip format;
  • Hit the “Install Now” button;
  • When the installation is over, press the “Activate Plugin” button.
uploading JetFormBuilder to the WP dashboard

Method 3. Manually on your PC

  • Download the plugin to your PC;
  • Open the folder where you store the WordPress files and go to wordpress > htdocs > wp-content > plugins;
  • Open the downloaded plugin’s .zip archive;
  • Drag and drop the jet-form-builder file from the archive to the “plugins” folder;
  • Login to your website’s dashboard and go to the Plugins menu tab;
  • Find the JetFormBuilder in the list and click the “Activate” button.
installing JetFormBuilder from archive on PC