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Repeater + Calculated

There are two ways the WordPress form Repeater Field value can be used in the formula of Calculated Field – as a Row Count and as a Custom Calculated Value. You can choose how to use it in the Calculate repeater row value drop-down list of the Field Settings menu section.

Rows Count

This option counts the number of items added to the repeater by the user. That number can be used in the WordPress Calculated Field formula.

defining the row value

Let’s assume that you are creating a gift box Order Form. Every user can order several boxes, so you add a repeater there. The price for every box is the same, and you want to show the users the Total Price of their order. To do that, you can put a Calculated Field under the WordPress form Repeater Field and make it multiply the number of boxes by the price. 

setting calculated field data

The price here is “10”, so the number of boxes is just multiplied by 10. Here’s how it will look like on the frontend:

Сustom Calculated Value

If you choose the “Custom” option in the Calculate repeater row value drop-down list, that will add a built-in WordPress calculated field to the repeater.

configuring custom calculated value

This field is just the same as a separate Calculated Field. The formula is added the same way and the same rules apply. In the example, it counts the sum of chosen values assigned to the Radio (“Packing”) and Checkbox (“Sweets”) fields options. The built-in field will calculate the resulting value for every added repeater block according to the formula.

Afterward, when you use the Repeater macro code (%FIELD::gift_box%) in the WordPress Calculated field outside of the repeater, it will insert the sum of calculated values for every WordPress repeater block added by the user.

getting sum of the calculated values on the frontend

On the frontend, it will look like that: