Update User
WordPress allows adding user data via its dashboard (backend) and using plugins such as the JetFormBuilder plugin, which updates users’ data via forms (front end) using the Post Submit Actions settings.
Displaying Users’ Data via WordPress Dashboard (Backend)
WordPress accumulates users’ data and displays them via its dashboard on the WordPress Dashboard > Users tab. In turn, the JetFormBuilder plugin collects user data according to the columns’ names (i.e., Username, Name, Email, Role, and more). To update data manually, select the user and press the “Edit” button. After changes, press the “Update User” buttons.

Updating Users via Forms (Frontend)
To update user data via forms, create or edit a form with necessary blocks (or use premade patterns) and select the “Update User” option from the Post Submit Actions.

Press the pencil icon to edit the “Update User” option from the Post Submit Actions.

Specify the fields to be updated for users of certain user roles and publish the form. For instance, in the example above, the corresponding fields are selected from the appropriate drop-down menus.

The Edit Action tab displays the following options:
- The Fields Map group shows all fields of the current form and includes fields displayed on the WordPress Dashboard > Users tab: User ID (will update this user), Email, First Name, Last Name, and more.
- The User Role drop-down menu allows you to select the role available for update from the Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber options. Read the tutorial on Changing User Roles via Forms (here, Administrator by default).
- The Message Settings help to specify the messages that will be sent if passwords mismatch, email exists, the username is incorrect, etc.
Select the “User” option from the “Source” drop-down menu and the “Current User” option from the “Get User ID From” from the General Settings of the form.
Here, the following fields were specified for update:
- post ID ー User ID (will update this user);
- Name ー First Name (i.e., only the first name of the user will be changed, but not the full name);
- E-mail ー Email;
- Password ー Password.
These fields coincide with the names of the columns in which the user’s data are displayed via the WordPress Dashboard. Add the form to a page using the JetForm widget. Watch the video to learn How to Add WordPress Form to any Page Builder using the JetFormBuilder plugin.

Update the page and update the user’s data.

Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Users to see the changes.

That’s all about updating users via JetFormBuilder forms (front end) and displaying the collected data on the backend.