The file uploading functionality is implemented via the Media Field block of the JetFormBuilder plugin. It allows different user access, storage of attachments, and specification of the maximum size of the uploaded files and their formats.
Users can use the MediaField block independently, as part of the pre-built forms, or as generated by the AI ones.

Create a Form

Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard > JetFormBuilder > Forms tab and press the “Add New” button to create a new form. Also, check the tutorial on How to Create a Form.
Initially, the form includes the Welcome block, which allows the application of a pre-created or AI-generated form.

jetform welcome block

Press the “Start from scratch” button to develop a custom form.

Add the Media Field Block

In the given case, we added only the Text Fields for the contact data, but you can add all the needed fields.

Find, drag, and drop the Media Field block. 
Fill in the FIELD LABEL field (in this case, “Upload file”). The FORM FIELD NAME field will be filled in automatically, but this value can be changed if desired.

media field block added

Set the following settings of the MEDIA FIELD block:

  • USER ACCESS — select the user type available to upload the files. In the given case, we allow uploading for the “All users (inc. Guests)” option;
  • MAXIMUM ALLOWED FILES TO UPLOAD — type the maximal number of allowed files to upload (for the given case, we left this field blank to upload one file);
  • MAXIMUM SIZE IN MB — type or select the maximum size of the uploaded files (here, we specified 500 MB); 
  • MAXIMUM FILE SIZE MESSAGE — type the text to be displayed instead of the default “Maximum file size %max_size%” text;
  • ALLOW MIME TYPES — specify the allowable file types. For instance, we allowed uploading only PDF files.
media-field block settings

Set the Post Submit Actions

Navigate to the JetForm settings and scroll down to the Post Submit Actions settings. 

Read the Post-Submit Action Controls Overview tutorial to learn how to manage Post Submit Actions.

The “Save Form Record” action is set by default, allowing the saving and processing of form data.
If needed, edit this action and turn on the following toggles: Store the IP address and other request headers and Keep form records that have not passed spam or captcha protection. In the given case, we did not activate these toggles.

save-form record toggles

The tutorial How to Use Save Form Record Action And Manage Form Submissions explains how to manage the “Save Form Record” actions.

Press the “Publish” button to save the form.

Add the Form to a Page

Create a page in Elementor/Block Editor/Bricks. In the given case, we created the page in Elementor.

Find the JetForm widget/block/element and drag and drop it onto the page. 
Once you are through with the page editing, press the “Update” button to save the result.

save-form record toggles

Navigate to the front end to check if the form works correctly. 

Fill in the form and press the “Submit” button.

front-end view of the jetform widget

Also, check the Displaying a JetFormBuilder Form in Any Page Builder tutorial.

Collect and Process Form’s Data

Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard > JetFormBuilder > Form Records tab to see all collected form entries. 
Hover the cursor over the needed form and press the “View” link under the form’s title.

jetformbuilder form records tab

The form record displays all collected data, including a link to the uploaded file.

form record data

Follow the link to see the file uploaded with this form. To check all collected uploaded files via the developed form, navigate to the JetFormBuilder folder (wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/jet-form-builder) on the PC where your WordPress is installed.

That’s all about creating file upload forms and storage attachments in different ways on your WordPress website using the JetFormBuilder plugin.

The tutorial details creating a user-friendly, functional, and conversion-making T-shirt order form using the JetFormBuilder plugin for WordPress. It covers managing specific form fields, adding integrations with payment and marketing plugins and add-ons through Post Submit Actions, and optimizing orders for your business or event.


Why You Need a WordPress T-Shirt Order Form

The T-shirt order form is the last stage of the sales funnel and a huge marketing tool, which:

  • Collects fully personalized data on users and their preferences;
  • Collects users’ emails for further marketing communications (i.e., for mailing propositions on sales or post-sales communications);
  • Contributes to conversions by addressing the issue of users exiting the forms at the last step;
  • Generates leads;
  • Makes your site more user-friendly and thus increases the probability of further orders;
  • Makes purchases easy and orders proceed quickly and safely by seamlessly integrating with payment systems and providing the needed security means.

Top WordPress T-Shirt Form Features

Order forms are a necessary site element and the last step between clients and their orders. Therefore, they should be user-friendly (intuitive, discreet, and simple), functional (provide payments and seamless integration with plugins and add-ons), and effective (provide conversions and collect the necessary marketing data on users and their orders).

  • Develop a clear structure of a multi-step form with a logical sequence of only needed fields divided by breaks;
  • Specify the required and not form fields;
  • Provide safety identification, verification, and validation (i.e., reCAPTCHA v3) of the user-associated actions (i.e., auto-filling of fields after user registration); 
  • Collect and proceed with the order data via one dashboard;
  • Integrate with email marketing services, including Mailсhimp, GetResponse, Active Campaign, Zapier, Make, etc.

Generally, the JetFormBuilder plugin provides the following:

  • Variety of combinable tools: users can use JetFormBuilder’s block fields and patterns separately, generate forms via AI, or combine all three; 
  • Post Submit Actions automatize order being processed, i.e., redirect to pages, save data in the database, send emails, etc.;
  • Seamless integration with JetPlugins, WooCommerce, and email marketing services (i.e., ActiveCampaign, GetResponse, Mailсhimp, Zapier, and Make);
  • Form style customizations using the free JetStyleManager plugin;
  • Safe payments and storage of user’s data;
  • Different verification and validation methods;
  • Identification of users and pre-filling the form fields with the saved data;
  • Multiple PRO add-ons for additional tasks such as hierarchical selection, user login, advanced color picking, field autocompleting, saving form progress and form scheduling, payments, and more.

T-Shirt Order Form Typical Structure

Step 1 一 Order data

This step includes fields for uploading images for printing on the T-shirt(s) and selecting the T-shirt sizes, colors, and quantities. It contains such blocks:

  • Progress Bar block to specify the start of the form proceeding;
  • Number Field to input the number of needed T-shirts;
  • Repeater Field with the nested fields: 
    • Media Field for uploading an image for printing on the T-shirt, 
    • Advanced Choice Fields for selecting the size and colors available;
  • Calculated Field to calculate the approximate price;
  • Form Page Break to divide the form into steps;
  • Next” button to navigate to the next page.

Step 2 一 Contact data

This step includes the fields to store users’ data. It comprises such blocks:

  • Progress Bar block to specify the next stage of the form proceeding;
  • Text Fields to store users’ contact data;
  • Form Page Break field to allow navigation to the next and previous pages.

Step 3 一 Delivery data

Felds for address and delivery method data. It contains such blocks:

  • Progress Bar block to specify the next stage of the form proceeding;
  • Text Fields to store the delivery settings;
  • Action” button to submit the form.

How to Create a WordPress Custom T-Shirt Form

In the given case, we explain how to build a multi-step form for ordering the needed number of T-shirts with a printed user’s image. Additionally, users can select the required color and size of the T-shirts. Due to this, pricing issues relating to printing are not considered.

Create a multi-step form

Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard > JetFormBuilder > Forms tab and press the “Add New” button to create a new form.

The created form has the Welcome block, allowing the application of a pre-created form. In the given case, we make the form from the beginning, so press the “Start from scratch” button.

jetform initial page

The Hidden Field, Text Field, and Action Button blocks are added by default; therefore, you can delete them if they are not needed in your form. Add the form’s title.
Find the Progress Bar block and add it to the page.

jetformbuilder progress bar block

To divide the form into pages on the front end and display the progress on each page, navigate to the JetForm settings and activate the Enable form pages progress toggle.

progress bar block settings

Drag and drop the Number Field to allow users to type the desired quantity of T-shirts.

Navigate to the settings block and type the name in the FORM FIELD NAME field (e.g., “t_shirt_number”) and optionally type the FIELD LABEL (e.g., “Enter the number of T-shirts”).


The FORM FIELD NAME should contain only Latin letters in lowercase, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. Spaces are inapplicable, so if you want to write two words or more, divide them with hyphens or underscores.

jetformbuilder numerical field

Add the Repeater Field and nested fields

Then, find the Repeater Field and drag and drop it to the page.

Navigate to the settings block, enter the FORM FIELD NAME (e.g., order_data), and select the following:

jetformbuilder repeater field
  • Select the “Dynamically (get count from form field)” option from the MANAGE REPEATER ITEMS COUNT field;
  • Choose the name of the previously added Number Field (here, t_shirt_number) in the FIELD ITEMS COUNT drop-down list;
  • Select the Default (columns row count) option from the CALCULATE REPEATER ROW VALUE drop-down list.

Press the “+” icon to add the Columns block into the Repeater Field

columns block

Here, we divided the form into two columns and added the following nested fields into the Repeater Field:

  •  the Media Field to upload an image for printing with the entered FIELD LABEL (e.g., “Upload the image for printing”) and FORM FIELD NAME (e.g., “image_for_printing”);
media field block
  • the Checkbox Field to select the needed size of the T-shirt. Find the Checkbox Field block and drag and drop it to the page. Fill in the FIELD LABEL field (e.g., “sizes available”) and the FORM FIELD NAME field (e.g., “sizes_available”). The “Manual Input” option is selected by default in the FILL OPTIONS FROM drop-down menu.
checkbox field added to the page

Press the “Manage items” button to open the Edit Manual Options pop-up to adjust the checkbox options and hit the “Add new Option” button.

edit manual options popup of the checkbox field settings

By clicking the button, you can add as many choice options to the Checkbox Field as needed. The settings include the LABEL field, which should be filled in with data displayed on the form as a list of variants (i.e., XS, S, L, etc.); the VALUE field, which should be filled in with inner data that corresponds to the option; and the CALCULATE field, which can be used in formulas.

For this tutorial, we used the same price for all sizes, so we left the VALUE and CALCULATE fields blank.
To add new options to the checkbox list, scroll down the Edit Manual Options pop-up and press the “Update” button.

adding new options to the checkbox
  • the Radio Field to select the print area. The settings of this field are similar to those of the Checkbox Field block. In the given case, we added four variants to allow users to select the appropriate print area. Therefore, the only difference is adding the values into the VALUE fields of every item from the list.
radio field block settings
  • the Advanced Choice Field to select the T-shirt color. Select the needed layout and type the field’s name (e.g., select color available). We selected the “Images with controls” layout option and filled in the FIELD LABEL and FORM FIELD NAME fields.
advanced choice field block

Due to the printing technology, we selected the colors of the covers, controls, and texts and added the specific VALUE FOR CALCULATED FIELD for each T-shirt color.

advanced choice field

Calculated Fields

To calculate the approximated price for every T-shirt, we added the Calculated Field into the Repeater Field. Inside the Repeater Field, the Calculated Field defines the cost of printing for every T-shirt, and outside the Repeater Field, another Calculated Field defines the total costs.

The Calculated Field inside the Repeater Field summarizes the values from the selected fields; partially, it adds the options referring to the print area (Radio Field), T-shirt color (Advanced Choice Field), and the regular T-shirt price (here, USD 10). The calculation formula here is as follows: %FIELD::print_area%+10+%FIELD::%select_color_available%.

The Calculated Field outside the Repeater Field summarizes the values for each row from the Repeater Field and defines the total cost of the order. The calculation formula here is as follows: %FIELD::%order_data%, where the order_data is the Repeater Field’s name.

calculated field settings

Separating the form pages

Add the Form Page Break field to separate the pages. Navigate to the block settings and activate the Enable “Next” button toggle to add the appropriate button to the form. Type the title of the form step in the LABEL OF PROGRESS field (e.g., Order Data). This text will be displayed via the PROGRESS BAR as the title of the form proceeding stage.

form page break block

Add fields for contact data

For the second page of the form, we added the Progress Bar block to display progress, the Heading field to display the step name (e.g., Contact Data), Columns to display text inline, Text Fields to input the users’ contact data (name, email, and phone), and the Form Page Break field to allow navigation to the previous page.
Specify the Text Field types: navigate to the Block settings, unroll the FIELD TYPE drop-down menu, and select the “Email” option for the “Email” Text Field and the “Tel” option for the “Phone” Text Field.

text field settings

For the Form Page Break, we enabled the Add “Next” Button and Add Prev Page Button toggles to allow users to amend the entered data. We left blank the NEXT BUTTON LABEL and PREV PAGE BUTTON LABEL to display the default texts, but users can add any needed text. Then, we typed the text into the LABEL OF PROGRESS field (here, “Contact Date”) to display the form progress stage.

form page break settings

Add fields for delivery data

The last page contains data on the delivery method and payment. The page includes the Progress Bar block, Heading, Text Fields, Radio Fields, “Action” button, and Form Page Break block to submit the form.
The Progress Bar displays the current form proceeding stage, the Heading displays the page’s name (e.g., “Payment Data”), and the Text Field is intended to display the client’s address. As far as we did not limit the client’s location, we did not specify the min and max length of the field.

text address field settings

We added the Column block to display the Radio Fields and divided the form into two equal columns. We added the Radio Fields to each column. The first Radio Field is intended to select the preferred delivery method (e.g., pick up, courier, or send to a post office), and the second Radio Field allows the selection of the payment method. The settings of the Radio Fields are similar to the Checkboxes Field settings described above.

column block added

Add the Form Page Break block and enable the Add Prev Page Button to allow users to modify the entered data. Then, we typed the text into the LABEL OF PROGRESS field (here, Delivery Data) to display the form progress stage.

Post Submit Actions

Go to JetForm, unroll the Post Submit Actions tab, and select the needed action from the drop-down list. Here, we selected the “Send Email” option to notify the user about the order.

send email option of the post submit actions

Select the “Email from submitted field option” from the MAIL TO field and pick the name of the email form field from the FROM FIELD source to send the notification to the email the user will enter in this field.

If needed, scroll down the pop-up and fill in the following fields:

  • SUBJECT to add the email subject;
  • FROM EMAIL ADDRESS to add the email address from which the users will get the notifications;
  • select the “Plain text” option from the CONTENT TYPE drop-down list;
  • type the email text in the CONTENT field.
edit send email pop-up

Press the “Update” button to save the action settings.
Add another Post Submit Action; select the “Save Form Record” option from the drop-down list to allow storage and managing of all orders.

save form record option

After completing, publish or update the form.


The JetFormBuilder’s PRO add-ons allow users to log in using the provided email/login and password. They can help to autocomplete the form’s fields, save the form’s progress, provide payment options, integrate email marketing and CRM services, etc.

Add the form to a page

Open a page/post/CPT post/template you need and place the JetForm widget (in Elementor), JetForm block (in Block Editor), or JetForm element (in Bricks). Select the built T-shirt order form in the Choose Form drop-down list. Learn about other settings from the JetForm Overview.

jetformbuilder widget added

Publish or update the page.

Order form in action

Open the page with the order form on the front end. Complete the form to check if it works correctly.

jetformbuilder widget added

Scroll down the first form’s page and fill in all the fields.

the front end of the scrolled form

Move to another page of the form and fill in the fields as well.

the next page of the multi-step form on the front end

Fill in the fields on the last page and hit the “Submit” button.

the last page of the multi-step form on the front end

After successful submission, the “Form successfully submitted” message will appear.

the form successfully submitted message

The form has sent a notification to the email user entered into the email form field with the predefined text:

form successfully submitted email

Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard > JetFormBuilder > Form Records tab. This tab collects all submitted form data.

jetformbuilder form records tab

Click the “View” link under the form title (under the “Order Form” in our case) to unroll the recently submitted form and check the values from the submitted fields.

submitted form datab

That’s all about creating a T-shirt order form using the JetFormBuilder plugin for WordPress and managing the form’s specific fields and Post Submit Actions.

WordPress T-Shirt Order Form Pro Features

The Switcher Field block is a horizontal toggle form field for switching between two states of the same form. The Switcher Field block functionally can be replaced by the Checkbox, Radio, or Advanced Choices Field blocks. This block can be used in contact forms, registration forms, order forms, etc. (for example, while selecting the email or mobile method of communication, preferred services, and more).

Field Settings

To add the Switcher Field block to a JetFormBuilder form, navigate to WordPress Dashboard > JetFormBuilder and open a new form or edit a previously built one.
Find the Switcher Field block and drag and drop it into the form.

adding the switcher field block

The Switcher Field block has two settings tabs 一 Settings and Style.

Settings Tab

The Settings tab includes the General, Value, and Advanced settings.

switcher field block settings

General settings

The tab contains the following fields: FIELD LABEL, FORM FIELD NAME, and FIELD DESCRIPTION:

general settings of the switcher field block
  • the FIELD LABEL field allows typing the text to be displayed over the switcher;
  • the FORM FIELD NAME field allows typing the form’s ID text;
  • the FIELD DESCRIPTION field is for the text about the field or to enter a shortcode. 

Value settings

The Value settings include the DEFAULT VALUE, VALUE, and CALCULATED VALUE fields:

value settings of the switcherfield-block
  • the DEFAULT VALUE field allows typing or selecting the default value for the on/off switcher: If the default value is not empty or does not equal the string “false,” the switcher will be turned on. Pressing the “Dynamic Tag” icon allows users to select dynamic data (i.e., data from posts, user data, queries, option pages, or related terms). If the “Restrict access” toggle is enabled, it sets the default value from preset only for users allowed to edit this value; if disabled, it sets the default value from preset for all.
edit preset popup window
  • the VALUE and CALCULATED VALUE fields allow typing/selecting data for the enabled switcher. Pressing the “Dynamic Tag” icon turns on the Edit Preset pop-up with the SOURCE drop-down menu to select data from posts, user’s data, queries, option pages, or related terms).

Advanced settings

The Advanced tab consists of two fields: the BLOCK NAME and CSS CLASS NAME fields intended to type the block name and a custom CSS class to style the block.

advanced settings of the switcher field block

Style Settings Tab

The Style Settings tab manages the background colors of the Track (for the enabled and disabled switcher) and Thumb.

style settings of the switcher field block

JetStyleManager Style Settings

In contrast to the default block Style settings, the JetStyleManager plugin allows customization of the block’s Alignment, Border, Color, Margin, Padding, and Typography.

Click the pencil icon in the top right corner of the page and apply the necessary settings to the block’s Content, Label, Required Mark, and Description.

jetstylemanager applied to the switcher field block

That’s all about the Switcher Field’s settings from the JetFormBuilder plugin.

To display Google Maps, Leaflet Maps, or Mapbox via the Map block field of the JetFormBuilder plugin, install and activate the JetEngine plugin (at least 3.0.3 or higher versions) and enable its Map Listing Module.This tutorial explains how to display Google Maps.

For additional information, read the following tutorial: Using Different Maps and Geocoding Providers for Map Listings.

Getting an API Key

Getting an API Key is necessary for all map providers.

Navigate to the Google Cloud Platform Console. Register or log in to your account.

Fill in the appropriate fields of the Account Information and Payment Information Verification windows.

Navigate to the APIs & Services tab of Google Cloud Platform Console and press the “Create Project” button. Scroll down, select the Maps Javascript API (and other necessary services), and press the “Enable” button.

google maps platform dashboard

Navigate to the Keys & Credentials tab and press the “SHOW KEY” button to get the API key.

ggoogle maps platform api and credentials

Copy the data from the Your API Key field.

getting google maps api key

JetEngine Settings

Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard. Open the JetEngine > JetEngine > Maps Settings tab. Paste the copied API Key into the API Key field.

etengine maps settings

Map Field Usage

Navigate to the JetFormBuilder tab and create a form.

Open the form and add the necessary fields.

Find the Map Field block and drag-n-drop it onto the form. Unroll the VALUE FORMAT settings and type/paste the coordinates that define the center of the map.

jetformbuilder map field settings

Unroll the ZOOM settings and select the necessary zoom option.

Zoom settings determine how much the map will zoom in after the user specifies a location (via coordinates, address, or point on the map), which is then used as the center of the map. The zoom settings range from “1” to “18,” with a value of “1” providing the least amount of zoom and “18” showing the most area in the map field.

map field zoom settings

Unroll the Map Settings and toggle the necessary map size.

map dimensions settings

Add the form to a post or a page to see how the map looks on the front end.

map field on front end

That’s all about setting map zoom by a specific area.

The Prev Page block allows users to go back to the previous page of a multi-page form. As an attribute of multi-page forms, this block indicates the end of the form section and, together with the Page Break block, manages form navigation, thus contributing to the form’s usability by dividing the form into logical parts.

Field Settings

To add this block to a JetFormBuilder form, go to WordPress Dashboard > JetFormBuilder and press the “Add New” button.

prev page field transform buttons

After adding this block to the form, the “Submit” button appears, and the Block settings are available in the right side panel. The Action Button settings section allows switching between the following block variations by clicking the appropriate button:

The Prev Page block has the General and Advanced settings.

prev page settings

General settings

The General settings tab includes the FIELD LABEL field for customizing the text on the “Submit” button.

prev page general settings

Advanced settings

The Advanced settings tab has the “Add Prev Page Button” toggle, which turns on the PREV PAGE BUTTON LABEL field to type its label and the CSS CLASS NAME field for customizing the button’s design with a CSS class.

prev page advanced settings

JetFormBuilder Settings

Additionally, the Prev Page block allows applying global settings, particularly the automatic scrolling to the top of the form when switching between form pages. To enable this option, navigate to the JetFormBuilder > JetForm Settings > Options > Form Accessibility tab and activate the Scroll to the top on page change toggle.

scrolling to the top of the form toggle

Style Settings

To customize the “Prev Page” button, you can use the JetStyleManager plugin. Once the plugin is installed and activated, the brush-shaped icon appears in the top right corner. After clicking the icon, one will see a new section of style settings. 

scrolling to the top of the form toggle

Two of the styling tabs are the Submit Wrap and Action Button. Inside these tabs, one will find settings for styling the Alignment, Border, Color, Margin, Padding, Typography, and more block options.

Use Case

Users can place this block field at any place of the form, as the pre-built Application Form pattern shows.


Users can apply any pre-made form patterns (i.e., Booking Form, Contact Us, Register Form, and more) for their forms. To add the form pattern, press the plus-shaped icon and click the Patterns > JetForm tab.

previous page field in the form

The Prev Page block works with the Form Page Break block, indicating the end of the page section.

form page break field added

After publishing the form and adding it to a page/post by the JetForm block/widget, one can check it on the front end.


When users are not on the first page of the form, they can go back to the previous page by clicking the Prev Page button.

prev page block of the front end

That’s all about the Prev Page block settings.

Preliminary Preparations

Navigate to the InstaWP site and select the usage mode. To get access for eight hours, press the “Try For Free” button, complete the Email field, select the necessary Configuration, and press the “Launch Site Instantly” button.

setting up new instawp site

To get a 7-day access covering three WordPress sites, follow these steps: 

  • Sign up on the InstaWP site.
signing up on the instawp site
  • Press the “Create Site” button on the site configuration page.
site configuration page
  • Navigate to the Forms tab, select JetFormBuilder, and press the “Create Site” button.
form configuration page
  • Press the “Magic Login” button on the created sites page.
created site list page

After a few seconds, the JetFormBuilder plugin will be installed automatically on the created site.

jetformbuilder installed on instawp

Creating JetFormBuilder Forms

Navigate to the JetFormBuilder > Forms tab and press the “Add New” button.

The WordPress block editor will open a default form with Hidden and Text field blocks and a “Submit” button. Type the form’s name instead of the Add title default text.

jetformbuilder installed on instawp

Block Fields and Patterns

The current tutorial explains creating a booking form, which collects data on the user’s name, email, booking date, meal plan information, and number of guests and calculates the total cost of the event.

jetformbuilder blocks

Adding field blocks

Press the plus icon and click the Column field block to set the necessary custom columns layout for the form.

column field block

Add the required form field blocks to each column. Here, the Text, Date, and Media field blocks were used.

field block added

Use the Radio field block with manual data input to allow choosing among several options.

radio field block

To apply unique settings for a field, press the Form Settings tab and set the necessary options. For the current tutorial, we set the minimal and maximal length for the Text (E-Mail) field block.

setting minimal and maximal length for the text field

To provide further calculations, use the Number field block to get data on the number of guests.

number field block

The Calculated field block allows macro usage and calculates data from other fields.

calculated field block

Adding pre-made patterns

JetFormBuilder allows adding pre-made form patterns (i.e., Contact Us, Registration Form, etc.).

pre made patterns of forms

Form Settings

Navigate to the Form Settings tab and unroll the sections where you want to make changes:

  • Form Settings;
  • Validation;
  • Captcha Settings;
  • Post Submit Actions; 
  • Form Schedule;
  • Limit Form Responses;
  • General Message Settings, etc.

Read the tutorial to learn about Form Settings in more detail.

pre made patterns of forms

Press the “Publish” button to publish the form.

Adding the Form to Pages/Posts

Open a page or post, find the JetForm widget (in Elementor), and find your form in the Choose Form field.

jetform widget added

In the WordPress Block editor, open a page or post, find the JetForm block, and choose your form in the Choose Form field.

jetform block added

Press the “Publish” button to publish the page/post.

Users can embed the JetFormBuilder form using a shortcode, so this plugin is compatible with almost any builder that supports shortcode output.

Collaboration With JetPlugins

JetFormBuilder focuses on form functionality by providing 18+ blocks, multi-column layouts, custom HTML addition, inline field editing, and more. Users can further improve the user experience and make their site fully-fledged by integrating this plugin with other tools:

  • use JetPlugins to style the form and enrich the form functionality:
    • JetStyleManager to style the form blocks in WordPress Block editor for free;
    • JetEngine to work with dynamic content;
    • JetAppointment and JetBooking to use the Appointment Date field block, set prices, build the “Appointment – Provider” system, and integrate the form with WooCommerce;
    • JetThemeCore to add forms to single and archive pages, WooCommerce templates, CPTs, and/or CCTs;
  • install the JetFormBuilder Pro add-ons for sales, marketing, or payment processing purposes and enrich the forms by:
    • outputting multi-level Select field groups;
    • applying dynamic auto-fill to the Select or Address field blocks;
    • allowing users to log in by the provided email/login & password;
    • adding color picker functionality to forms;
    • displaying the form autosave progress;
    • scheduling the form availability;
    • limiting form response number per user.

That’s all about the usage of the JetFormBuilder’s forms on a free WordPress sandbox site by InstaWP and combining JetFormBuilder’s functionality with other JetPlugins.