Create a custom WordPress Subscription Form to collect subscription requests and build a loyal following.


Subscribe forms are a must when it comes to collecting email addresses and getting new leads. Blog and business owners can send out exclusive deals and quality content to those interested subscribers. Moreover, the obtained data can be used for mailing list creation. 

To create a Subscribe Form for WordPress websites, you’ll need a JetFormBuilder pattern. It is a ready-made WordPress Form Pattern that you are free to customize anyhow you like. Style the form blocks, configure post-submit actions, and add as many new fields as necessary.

  • Image. An Image block for adding visuals to the form;
  • First Name. A required Text field for filling in the user name;
  • Email. A required Text field for filling in the user email;
  • Subscribe button. A Submit field to submit a WordPress subscription form.

Add a new form

To create a Subscribe Form in WordPress, head to JetFormBuilder > Add New. Give a name to the form.

adding a new form with jetformbuilder

As you may notice, there are default fields, namely Hidden, Text, and Submit fields. For now, we can delete them to implement the pattern.

Apply a Subscribe form pattern

Patterns are pre-set layouts created for specific purposes. Let’s add a Subscribe Form Pattern. You can delete existing form fields, edit them or put other ones that you can customize freely.

Push the “Plus” icon in the editor to navigate to Patterns. Open the drop-down menu and pick the “JetForms” option. Scroll down to find a Subscribe Form and click on it.

choosing a subscribe form pattern

The pattern is pretty short and quick to fill in. It includes the following fields:

  • Paragraphs to tell the user about the purpose of the form;
  • An Image that can be an addition to the form;
  • Text Fields are used for typing different kinds of information. In this case, two fields represent First Name and E-Mail; they are required. You can enable this option to other added fields by clicking on the block and toggling the Is Required option;
  • Submit Field is the button that allows the user to confirm the information they have typed in. In such circumstances, the button represents subscription confirmation.

Place other desired fields or delete the ones already embedded in the Subscribe Form Pattern and listed above.

Personalize JetForm settings

If you want to change the default layout, remember to make it in the JetForm Settings.

jetform settings
  • Fields Layout allows you to pick between “Column” and “Row” options. The first one places the field bar under the label, and the second puts them in one line;
  • Required Mark is a symbol that will be displayed near required fields;
  • Submit Type can work on “Page Reload” or “AJAX.” You can select the second one if you don’t want to reload the page;
  • Enable form pages progress if you have made a multi-step form with Form Break Field to set a step indicator above the form.

The next step is Captcha Settings. Learn more about them in our Form reCAPTCHA customization video tutorial.

Mind that the following step, Post Submit Actions, is significant. Choose in which way you will receive information about submitting a form by a user.

As we create a Subscribe Form, we can use several submit actions in one form. Let’s integrate the “Send Email” and “MailChimp” options.

“Send Email” post submit action

To customize “Send Email” accordingly, check our detailed overview. Edit action to set it for correct work.

send email post submit action editing

For instance, in the Content tab, you can put the data input by the user. In our case, it is the first name and email address.

The example text can look like this: 

“Hi, admin!

There is a new subscription on your website.

Subscription details:

Name: %first-name%

Email: %e-mail%”,

where %first-name% and %e-mail% stand for the user’s input information.

Once you have updated the Send Email Post Submit Action, let’s adjust MailChimp Post Submit Action.

“MailChimp” post submit action

MailChimp will help to manage the Subscribe Form as well.

mailchimp post submit action editing

Edit the action, update it, and proceed to the following settings if needed. 

Enable Preset Settings and change the General Messages values, or leave them default. 

Publish the form and move to the page where you want to locate the form. It can be either Elementor or Gutenberg edited pages.

Attach form to the page

Place the JetForm block in the editor and select the form you have just created.

jetform page editor

Adjust the Form and Advanced Settings. Note that the page editor settings will not overwrite the form settings. So if you have already established them while creating the form, there will be no point in doing it in the page editor one more time.

Publish the page and go to check how it looks like on the front-end.

subscribe form front-end

The work is done. Now the free WordPress subscription form is ready for further use.

Build a compact WordPress Registration Form allowing users to sign up and get a profile page in no time.

Registration forms help website owners to convert one-time visitors into registered users. They prove to be highly efficient for user data collection and mailing list creation.

Keep the WordPress custom registration form simple and make it quick to submit. With the Register Form” Pattern, you get a signup form layout in one button click. Proceed to style the form blocks and set post-submit actions, and it’s good to go.

  • Keep the form concise by adding only necessary fields like “Name, “Email, “Password,” and “Confirm Password;
  • Add required fields for the essential questions only;
  • Prevent spam during user registration with reCAPTCHA v3 validation;
  • Provide the Success, Validation, and Error Messages during form submission;
  • Boost visitor engagement by carefully styling form fields and buttons;
  • Collect user data and sync to MailChimp, GetResponse, Active Campaign, Zapier, and Integromat.
  • Name — a required Text Field for filling in the user name;
  • Email — a required Text Field for filling in the user email;
  • Password — a required Text Field for filling in the password for the first time;
  • Confirm Password — a required Text Field for filling in the same password for confirmation;
  • Country — a Select Field for choosing the country from the drop-down list;
  • Submit — the Action Button (formerly Submit Field) to submit a registration form.

The first and primary step is adding a new form. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > JetForms > Add New.

The editor presents some default blocks – these are Hidden, Text, and the Action Button (formerly Submit Field). They can be customized or deleted.

Mainly, there are two ways of creating the Register Form — by manually adding separate blocks or using patterns. Patterns are a WordPress feature that allows the use of already existing content layouts.

The JetFormBuilder plugin provides its own Patterns functionality with a set of patterns. To use one, open the Block Inserter by toggling the plus-shaped icon and navigate to Patterns. Open the JetForms tab and find the “Register Form” Pattern.

adding the register form pattern in block editor

This layout consists of blocks that can be either changed or deleted. Furthermore, Patterns allow adding other blocks to the layout. For instance, the “Register Form” Pattern consists of the following fields:

  • Image — upload a picture in this block;
  • Text Fields — there are four of them responsible for “Name,” “Email,” “Password,” and “Confirm Password”;
  • Select Field — user can choose a “Country” from the drop-down list;
  • Action Button (formerly Submit Field) — allows to collect and submit all the input data by clicking on the button.

Let us review these blocks and their customization options.

Image block

A Register form should be made as convenient for the user as possible. Customizing a picture is a good starting point.

image block settings in gutenberg

The Block tab on the right includes the following sections:

  • Styles — choose between the “Default” and “Rounded” options to shape the image;
  • ALTERNATIVE TEXT — write the description of the image;
  • ASPECT RATIO — adjust the image to specific width-to-height ratios;
  • WIDTH and HEIGHT — type values manually or set a percentage that will automatically crop the image.

You can also check Advanced settings that include additional customization options.

Text field block

WordPress registration form is all about the input data. Therefore, a Text Field is a multi-functional feature. Let’s take a closer look at its settings.

text field block settings in jetformbuilder
  • FIELD LABEL — a name that informs the user about the type of needed information. As an example, it can represent a “Username,” “Password,” or any other data;
  • FORM FIELD NAME — a slug name that becomes an ID. It can replicate or correspond to the FIELD LABEL. It should comply with all the requirements, containing only Latin lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. Another rule is to avoid spaces. Use hyphens and underscores to divide words logically;
  • FIELD DESCRIPTION — supplemental information that will appear under the field. This description should provide instructions on what users should enter into the field;
  • DEFAULT VALUE — can pull out user or post data dynamically. For instance, if the user is logged in, the DEFAULT VALUE feature can fetch the user’s email, name, etc. However, this field is unnecessary when creating a website registration form, as its primary purpose is to register users whose information is unknown at the time;
settings for value and field type in the text field of jetformbuilder
  • FIELD TYPE — define the kind of data that should be written in the field. There are five options such as “Text,” “Email,” “Url,” “Tel,” and “Password”;
  • MIN LENGTH and MAX LENGTH — specify the number of characters that can be put in the field;
  • Set Input Mask — change the default input format into the specific one, pick a MASK TYPE, MASK VISIBILITY, and MASK PLACEHOLDER.
advanced block settings of the text field
  • VALIDATION TYPE — the way in which the user input will be validated. For more information, refer to our Advanced Form Validation article;
  • BLOCK NAME — the name of the current block;
  • PLACEHOLDER — a short hint displayed before the user starts typing in the field. It describes the expected input value;
  • Add Prev Page Button — enable it if Form Break Field is used. It lets a user return to the previous page;
  • FIELD VISIBILITY — choose to make this field visible to all, only to logged-in or not-logged users;
  • CSS CLASS NAME — type in a CSS class name to target the field with CSS.

The Block Toolbar above the Text Field provides some additional settings. Among the native block settings, there are two JetFormBuilder-specific features.

make the form field required by pressing asterisk-shaped button in the block toolbar

Select field block

This block lets the user choose from the diverse drop-down menu options. The selection proposed by this layout is a list of countries, but you can change the options of this block or delete it. 

To customize the options of the Select Field, click on the field and press the “Manage items” button.

manage items of the select field of jetformbuilder

Then, click on the pencil-shaped icons to edit the options or push the “Add new Option” button to add a new option.

managing options of the select field

Each option must have a human-readable LABEL and a VALUE. The CALCULATE value represents the calculated value of the current option in a Calculated Field.

Once you finish managing the options, click the “Update” button to close this window.

If the options need to be generated dynamically, switch the “Manual Input” type to one of the available options — “Posts,” “Terms,” “Meta Field,” or “Generate Dynamically.” Read more about them in our “Multi-Optional Field Source Settings” guide.

fill options of the select field dynamically

Next, let’s take a look at the Block Toolbar. Among the default block options, there are two JetFormBuilderspecific features:

  • An asterisk-shaped button that makes the field required to fill in;
  • A button shaped as two arrows, which enables an automatic transition to the next page in the form once an option is selected in the Select Field. This feature is useful in multi-step forms. Read more about multi-step forms in the “WordPress Multi-Step Form with Step Indicator” tutorial.
select field toolbar options

Finally, proceed to edit the block’s settings. They are practically the same as the Text Field settings. You can read about them earlier in this tutorial.

select field settings in jetformbuilder

Action Button (formerly Submit field)

Submitting a WordPress form is the final and the most crucial action during the registration. Editing button for this function will take just a couple of minutes.

The settings of the button repeat some of the Text Field block settings. You can return to their description in this tutorial.

After editing all the block settings, you may want to style them accordingly. Gutenberg forms have no styling options, so you may want to use the JetStyleManager plugin to style the Register Form.

JetForm Settings

Apart from the standard block settings, you can edit JetForm settings that apply to the entire WordPress form. 

Find them next to the Block settings.

form settings of a jetformbuilder sign-up form

The Form Settings section provides such features:

  • FIELDS LAYOUT — pick the positioning of the field bar and the field label. You can set “Column” or “Row” options. In the first case, the label will be displayed over the bar, while in the second one, they will be in the same row;
  • REQUIRED MARK — you can either leave this field empty to represent required fields with an asterisk symbol or set another mark;
  • FIELDS LABEL HTML TAG — select the HTML tag that will represent the field label. The default tag is LABEL;
  • SUBMIT TYPE — specify what action will be carried out after pressing the Action Button (formerly Submit Field). Choose between “Page Reload” and “AJAX,” which will not reload the page;
  • Enable form pages progress — enable the toggle if you work with the Form Break Field. If the form is divided into parts, the progress bar will be adjusted. This bar will show in which part of the form the user is;
  • Clear data on success submit — clear all input values of the form after a successful submission.

Note that most of the settings in the Form Settings section are available in the JetForm widget or block. Later in this tutorial, we will describe how to display a form in Elementor or Block Editor using the JetForm widget or block, the settings of which take precedence. Customizing the Form Settings section is appropriate if the form is to be displayed with a shortcode. 

Additionally, you can configure Validation settings by following our “Advanced Form Validation” tutorial. Captcha Settings is also an option for the Register Form creation. Learn more about all the available types of Captcha validation in our article on “Captcha Settings.” 

When moving on to Post Submit Actions, ensure you choose the “Register User” option to create the Register Form. You can edit this action by clicking the pencil-shaped button under the drop-down menu. Read more about Register User Submit Action in our tutorial.

You can add more actions. For instance, send an email when the user has been registered. Watch the following Post Submit Actions overview to find out more about other options.

Preset Settings let you choose the source for a global form preset, and General Messages Settings are responsible for different types of notifications. These will be shown in specific cases that can emerge while completing a form. 

When you are done with all the form customizations, click the “Publish” button, and feel free to add the Register Form to the page. 

You can add a JetForm block in the Gutenberg editor or create an Elementor registration form using the JetForm widget. Also, it is possible to display a form with a shortcode. Learn more about the ways to integrate JetFormBuilder with any page builder in our “Adding the Form Block” article.

display a jetformbuilder form with a jetform block in block editor

In the JetForm block, choose the form that you have just created and proceed to the following settings. You may notice that these settings replicate the ones described previously; however, the settings of the JetForm block take precedence.  

Click the “Publish” button once you are done with editing. Now, the WordPress registration form is ready.

Creating a Registration Form From Scratch

Above, we described how to create a Registration Form using Patterns. You can build your layout with field blocks if you wish to create a fully custom registration form without using ready-made templates.

The first step is adding a new form. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > JetFormBuilder > Forms > Add New.

The editor already has some default blocks: a Hidden Field, a Text Field, and the Action Button (formerly Submit Field). You can customize them according to your needs or remove them.

There are four obligatory fields in a typical register form – “User Login,” “Email,” “Password,” and “Confirm Password.” These are required fields for the “Register User” post-submit action. Let’s start building the form by adding them.

First, add a Text Field block (or use the existing one). To add a new block, open the Block Inserter by clicking the plus-shaped icon and search for the “Text Field.”

add a text field with block inserter

Once the needed field is added, proceed to the Block settings in the right sidebar. Add a FIELD LABEL to this block and a FORM FIELD NAME. The name of the field should comply with all the requirements, containing only Latin lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. Other block settings are optional. Find a detailed description of each option in the Text Field guide.

adding user login to a registration form

Then, add another Text Field block for the email address. Assign this block a FIELD LABEL and a FORM FIELD NAME and scroll down to the Field section. For the FIELD TYPE, choose “Email” to add validation for this input type. The rest of the settings are optional.

adding an email address field to a registration form

After that, add two more Text field blocks. Give the first block a label of “Password” and the second block a label of “Confirm Password”. Select “Password” as the Field type to ensure security.

adding password fields to a registration form

Finally, add the Action Button block that will allow the user to submit the form. Assign it a custom label.

Now, all the required fields are complete. You can continue adding different field types to the form if you need the user to provide additional information. For example, you could add a Media Field, a Radio Field, a Checkbox Field, or a Select Field to your form. Learn more about the multi-optional fields from our Multi-Optional Field Source Settings tutorial.

After building the form layout, proceed to the JetForm settings tab in the right sidebar and find the Post Submit Actions tab. Press the “New Action” button to add a “Register User” action. This action will be responsible for registering the user after successful form submission.

You can edit it by clicking the pencil-shaped button. Read more about configuring the Register User action in our tutorial.

adding a register user post-submit action in a registration form

n addition to registering the user, you may want the form to perform other actions. Click the “New Action” button to see the list of all available actions. For example, you can send an email to the registered user with the “Send Email” action.

Mind that all the actions are processed in the defined order. Therefore, each subsequent action is performed only under the condition that the previous action was processed successfully. If one of the actions returns an error, all the subsequent ones are canceled. In this way, the guest user will receive an email right after registration. The email will not be sent if something goes wrong during the registration process.

In the end, style the form. Gutenberg blocks have no styling options by default, but you can use our JetStyleManager plugin to style the registration form.

Adding a Payment Gateway to the Register Form

In case you build a website with paid memberships, adding a payment option to the registration process is a must. All the currently supported gateway options by JetFormBuilder forms are covered in our guide on “How to Configure Payment Gateways.” A gateway is triggered once the user submits the form.

After you have enabled and configured the payment gateway, you need to decide how the rest of the post-submit actions will be processed with regard to the payment status. For instance, you may want the registration process to run only after a successful payment; at the same time, you may need a custom email to be sent in case of a failed payment.

All of this is handled by Events. By adding events to the post-submit actions, you configure the scenario that will be performed before payment is processed on successful and failed payments.

jetformbuilder registration form with payment gateway

To add an Event to your post-submit action, click the “Edit Conditions & Events” button.

adding an event to a post-submit action

In the popup, proceed to the Events match tab. Select one or several events from the drop-down menu:

selecting an event from the list
  • DEFAULT.PROCESS — this is the moment when actions are processed. The current event will trigger the post-submit action before the payment gateway;
  • BAD.REQUEST — this event is executed after request processing in case some of the fields in the form return errors. For example, the action will be triggered if the user uploads a file to the Media Field in the wrong format or if the user exceeds the allowed number of files to upload. This event bypasses the DEFAULT.PROCESS event; 
  • DEFAULT.REQUIRED — this event is executed in any case. It is the last triggered event before the form response is submitted. The event runs even in case other post-submit actions are not processed successfully;

If you set the DEFAULT.REQUIRED event to several actions, and one of your actions is the “Store Form Record” action, make sure to put the “Store Form Record” action the last in the row.

  • GATEWAY.SUCCESS — this one is executed after the user passes the checkout on the side of the payment system; if a payment is successful, the action will be triggered;
  • GATEWAY.FAILED — this is performed when the user returns from the checkout page of the payment system without making a payment.

Mind that the “Store Form Record” action does not require any event.

It may be expected that a user should be registered on the site only after a successful payment. However, if the GATEWAY.SUCCESS event is given to the “Register User” action, the action won’t be executed successfully. Inputs entered by the user into the password fields are not stored by JetFormBuilder for security reasons. Therefore, deferring actions that require password inputs, such as the “Register User” action, are not possible until the payment is completed. However, there are two possible workarounds for this case.

Promoting the user after successful payment

To make the users register only after successful payment, the registration process should be split into two parts. Before payment is complete, the guest user will be registered as a Subscriber (or any other role with limited capabilities); after the payment is complete, the user will be promoted to a higher user role. To implement this kind of workaround, follow the steps below. 

Firstly, create a custom user role with limited access for users who haven’t finished the payment process. The permissions you grant to this user role depend on your business strategy. Alternatively, you can use the default WordPress Subscriber user role. 

After you decide on the user role that will be suitable for your business model, edit the “Register User” action by clicking on the pencil-shaped button underneath.

editing the register user action

Select the USER ROLE option for the newly registered user to your custom role or “Subscriber.”

giving subscriber role to the registered user

In the same editing screen, scroll down until you find the Log In User after Register and Add User ID to form data toggles. Enable these toggles to be able to use the ID of the newly created user in further post-submit actions.

adding user id to form data

Click the “Update” button to save the changes. 

After that, hit the “New Action” button and select a further action — “Update User.” This action will run after the successful payment. Click the pencil-shaped button under the “Update User” action to edit the post-submit action.

adding the update user action to a registration form

In the FIELDS MAP section, map the user_id field with the “User ID (will update this user)” action. This way, the action will update the user role of the newly registered user. Then, define the user role the customer should receive after the payment.

configuring update user action

After saving the changes, the last step is to assign the “Register User” action the DEFAULT.PROCESS event, and the “Update User” action — the GATEWAY.SUCCESS event.

adding events to the register user and the update user actions

As a result, the form will function by this workflow: after submitting the form, the user is registered as a lower-ranked user with limited access. Then, the user goes through the payment process, after which the user is promoted to a higher user role, and the registration is complete.

Generating the password automatically

Another possible way to integrate the “Register User” action with a payment gateway is to generate the user password automatically after successful payment. In this case, users won’t have to set a password manually during the registration — the password will be autogenerated for them. That password will be sent to users in an email after they complete the payment and register successfully. Later, they will be able to change it from their account.  

Start by removing the Text Field blocks with the “Password” FIELD TYPE because the password will not be defined by the user.

Then, click the pencil-shaped button under the “Register User” action.

register form with an auto-generated password

In the editing screen, map the Password and Confirm Password fields with the “Secure unique token” option. It will serve as an auto-generated password.

mapping password fields in the register user action with an auto-generated token

Save the changes. Since the “Register User” action should only be performed after successful payment, assign it the GATEWAY.SUCCESS event.

setting register user action on gateway success

The last step is to send the registered user an email with the generated password. Next, hit the “New Action” button and select a further action – “Send Email.” Click the pencil-shaped button under the “Send Email” action to modify its settings.

add a send email action to a registration form

For the MAIL TO field, choose the “Email from submitted form field” option; for the FROM FIELD, select your Email field; then, fill in the rest of the required fields according to the “Send Email” action guide.

setting up the send email user action

In the Content field area, enter a message that the user will receive after a successful registration. Don’t forget to include the generated password with the help of the %_jfb_verification_token% macro. To find the full list of available macros, click on the wrench-shaped icon near the Content input field.

adding a generated password to the email content

Update the action settings. To finish the setup, assign the “Send Email” action a GATEWAY.SUCCESS event.

giving the send email action a gateway success event

That’s it. Update the form to save the changes.

Use the WordPress Contact Form plugin to quickly build and place a custom contact form anywhere on the site.


Contact forms serve to bridge the gap between website users and website admins/owners. They can help get more leads, expand the customer base, collect precious feedback, improve user experience, reduce spam emails, etc.

WordPress contact form is not that difficult to create. Using a WordPress form pattern, you will get a basic form layout in one click. It embraces default fields, but you can always add more if desired. Such a pattern can help you build a Sales, Request, Leads contact form, and make users subscribe via the contact form

  • Name. A required Text field for filling in the user name;
  • Email. A required Text field for filling in the user email;
  • Phone. A required Text field for filling in the user phone;
  • Preferred method of communication. A required Radio field with two options to choose from – “Email” and “Phone”;
  • Message. A Textarea field for inputting additional information, questions, comments, etc.;
  • Submit. A Submit field to submit a form. 

As Gutenberg has no options for creating forms, you can start to work with the JetFormBuilder plugin, which is entirely free. If you are not familiar with this plugin’s features, you can check JetFormBuilder tutorials on the Crocoblock YouTube channel.

Create a Contact Form

Navigate to JetFormBuilder > Add New. Although when you begin, the editor is not empty, some blocks appear by default.

Specifically, there are Hidden, Text, and Submit Fields. They are unnecessary, so it is possible to delete this content.

If you want to add some other content to the Contact Form, there are two ways to do it. You can either use Gutenberg Blocks or the JetFormBuilder plugin’s Patterns.


The Pattern is a layout that you can edit and style to your liking. It can be used if you want to simplify work and save time.

Add a new block and click on “Patterns” near the Blocks tab to apply them. These patterns represent already created sections that can be attached to the page.

Firstly, we need to choose from the available types of patterns: Buttons, Columns, Gallery, Headers, Text, Query, and, if you have installed and activated the JetFormBuilder plugin, JetForms.

Let us find out about the last option — JetForms. In our case, we will remove all the default form blocks and use Contact Us Form Pattern. This pattern already includes some blocks.

contact us form pattern
  • Text Field – there are three of them reserved for Name, Email, and Phone accordingly;
  • Radio Field – allows to pick the Preferred method of communication;
  • Textarea Field – enter a custom Message here;
  • Submit Field – represents a regular “Submit” button.

Customize or delete these blocks without restraint. In fact, you can attach more blocks to the form or duplicate existing ones.

Any of these filed blocks have Is Required toggle if you need to make a particular field obligatory. However, all the other field settings can either repeat themselves or be different so customize them accordingly.

Text field

Let’s start with the Text Field Block Settings.

general text field settings
  • Field Label — a name visible to users that shows what kind of information this field requires. For instance, Name, Phone, or Password. It will appear above the field bar;
  • Form field name — a name that is used as an ID. Commonly it is similar to the Field Label. It should contain only Latin letters in lower case, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. Spaces are inapplicable, so if you want to write two words or more, divide them with hyphens or underscores;
  • Field Description — an extra explanation about how to fill in the information. It will appear under the field;
  • Default Value — the data you put here will be automatically placed in the field. It is used if the information is already available. For example, if the user is already logged in, the Default value can pull out their name to fill in the field. The user can change it if needed.
text field settings
  • Field Type — here, you can specify what this information stands for. The choice lies between “Text,” “Email,” “Url,” “Tel,” and “Password”;
  • Min and Max length — you can set values that will limit the input information;
  • Set Input Mask — the mask will set up a specific input format for the current field. When enabled, there is a possibility to choose a Mask Type, its Visibility, and Placeholder.
advanced text field settings
  • Placeholder — shows text in the bar until the user clicks on it; it can be an input data example. It differs from the Default Value as this data doesn’t fill in the bar;
  • Add Prev Page Button — this toggle is helpful if you use the Form Break Field. It allows a user to turn back to the previous page;
  • Field Visibility — some fields can be invisible for some users if you limit the field visibility – for all, only for logged in or not-logged users;
  • CSS Class Name — this field contains a CSS class name from which styles will be pulled. The styles can be written in the customizer.

Now let’s look at the Radio Field and its settings.

Radio field

The Contact Us Form Pattern that we have chosen contains one Radio Field called Preferred methods of communication. It, therefore, has two types — Email and Phone, that can be deleted if there is a need.

You can handle items directly from the editor page.

radio field manage items

You can also choose where you can pull the data from; it can be “Posts,” “Terms,” “Meta Field,” “Glossary,” generate it dynamically or input manually.

If you click on the “Manage Items” button, you can change, add new, delete, or clone existing options.

You can also enable switching the page when changing the items.

Message and Submit fields have almost the same settings as Text and Radio fields, so you are already acquainted with all the customization options.

JetForm Settings

We have discovered the customization options for the Contact Us Form Pattern. Now we will get familiar with the JetForm Settings. These are sited just near the Block Settings,

jetform status and visibility settings

This section allows you to apply general layout and appearance features. The settings will work for all the fields that you will add to the form. Let’s take a closer look at them.

form settings
  • Fields Layout — defines the correspondence between the field bar and the field label. When “Column” is chosen, the label is over the bar, and “Row” places the label and the bar in one row;
  • Required Mark — fill in this field to change the appearance of the required fields. If the field is empty, this mark will be represented with an asterisk symbol;
  • Submit Type — the action after clicking on the “Submit” button. You can either pick “Page Reload” or “AJAX” so that the page will not be reloaded;
  • Enable form pages progress — this toggle works in cooperation with the Form Break Field. The form progress bar will be added if you divide the form into parts and enable this toggle. It will display the part the user is currently on.
form break field example

Next are Captcha Settings. This tab contains only one toggle, Enable reCAPTCHA V3 FORM verification. All the details about how to add reCAPTCHA to a form you can learn from our video overview.

We also have a video about the next Post Submit Actions settings tab, so do not hesitate to check it out.

Let’s move on, and you will see General Messages Settings that are in charge of the messages displayed to the user in specific cases. For instance, you can type in the notification for users who haven’t filled in the required field.

Style settings

Gutenberg doesn’t have the styling options. However, you can still apply some styling to the Contact Form if you install the JetStyleManager plugin. To find out what customizations are available with this plugin, read our Gutenberg blocks styling overview.

Once you are done with all the styling and customizing, click on the “Publish” button.

Now you can add your Gutenberg Contact Form with the help of the JetForm block in the Gutenberg Editor. If you are using Elementor Page Builder, add your Elementor Contact Form by applying the JetForm widget.

Go to WordPress > Pages. Choose any page or create a new one. You can add a JetForm block and choose the form you have just created in the relevant field.

jetform form settings

As you may have noticed, the settings of the JetForm are pretty much the same as you have already applied while creating the form.

Pay attention that the form settings will override the JetForm block settings. For example, you can change Required Mark in the JetForm block settings into an exclamation mark, while the form settings will be set up to show a default asterisk symbol. As a result, the user will see an asterisk symbol near the required fields, as it will have more priority.

Except for the standard settings, you can style the Form Break Field block and Success and Error Messages using the JetStyleManager plugin.